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  ACCUFAST Tabbers.
If you want your mail opened...
Close it with an ACCUFAST Tabber.

Just because the Postal Service uses accurate, high speed machines, doesn't mean your mail goes through them. Unsealed self-mailers often open in these machines and cause jams. Mail tabbed with an ACCUFAST KT, KT2 or QT Tabber won't jam these machines and will speed it on it's way.

    QT Tabber
Tabbing is fun with the right tools: the ACCUFAST QT and ACCUFAST tabs.

The Postal Service rewards mailers who completely prepare their mail for the sorting machines, so barcode, seal and sort for discounts. Use any ACCUFAST Tabber in-line with your Feeder, Labeler or Address printer to seal up savings.

When you close your self-mailers with a tab you get more effective mailings at lower costs with better, more efficient delivery. The U.S. Postal Service delivers tabbed mail quickly. The recipient is naturally drawn to break the seal and open your mail. And best of all, you can save on postage.

XL in-line with tabber and conveyor
Tabbing and sorting at 15,000 pieces per hour: the ACCUFAST KT2 Tabber (center) in-line with the XL Labeler (right) and the 3FV Conveyor (left).

Any of these reasons alone is enough to justify tabbing your mail; combined they make it essential. The practicality of an ACCUFAST® Tabber, the benefits of tabbing and the effects on your bottom line are too good to pass up.

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Read more about how our labelers are the best in the business. Our tabbers insure that your mail gets closed the right way, for proper delivery.

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